OMG! What have you done!
I have found personal motivation, the fire in my belly comes from a sense of urgency to answer this question directly.
This movement is not about us, its about that 7th generation.
When my grandchildren’s generation look up at me to ask; why? What did you do to stop the climate crisis?
In short I can say, at least I tried. Here, go watch this movie.
this a an attempt for me to personally reflect and document all the important work ive done over the years. its really easy to loose sight of the goal with so much modern distractions relentlessly working to lead us astray.
Campaign & fundraising experience
as an intern/volunteer, I worked with MN-pirg door knocking and phone banking.
campus student group: marrs. Minnesota’s alternative rites society
website: duluth pagans com – defunct
1st grant funded to promote diversity on campus. Ran a meetup group organized student events
as a peace and justice activist, I participated in my first direct action campaign at ELF, including organizing, fundraising, vigils and rallies sponsored by nuke watch. Got arrested for trespassing. went to trial vs the USA: served 30 days in FPC Duluth. wrote a short POC journal, organized, and interviewed inmates, as part of a prison witness project. Ran a small yoga class to engage with inmates in association with :
as human rights activist, I helped to organize and participate in two direct action campaigns at the
POC: 45 Got arrested for trespassing, again?! went to trial vs the USA: Twice. served 90 days in FPC Duluth
POC: 7 went to trial vs USA 3rd time, second tour was 6 months at FCI sandstone. organized fun-raised, speaking events, trial prep, street outreach, vigils and rallies
as a intern/ volunteer a worked at the DC SOAW office.
As a intern – volunteer; with DC pirg and the dc statehood movement main activities door knocking and phone banking, street outreach, membership sign ups, event tables
as an intern – volunteer; I helped organize outreach on the dc statehood and green party events here are a few of the coalition members
as a political activist, I participated in a 3 day march in Manhattan during the DNC convention of 2004. i quote: “the screams of the dead, are the curse of the living.
wake up america!” DNC 2004 ozone bhaguan
we were involved in an Illegal mass arrest, was detained for over 36 hours and the case was settled out of court. In leaked memo: named clear the table. We organized, fund raised marched, vigiled etc. The soaw was our affinity group. Gained exposure to the legal system of NY state.
as a political activist, I spent a semester in oxford england, seeking to build allies and coalitions. Focused on this project as a study. A group that promotes a novel solution to engage the poor with dignity. They are empowered to sell a newspaper instead of begging for change.
As political co-organizer, I helped co-ordinate several campaigns over the years. City council races, mayoral races, state senate campaigns such as: al franken and amy klobershar
phone banked, door knocked, provided supportive IT services in mass multi-media communications
we held speaking events, rallies, public lectures, concerts and private house parties as fundraising events.
Ray McGovern, and colleen Rowely were some of our guest speakers.
City Councilor & Child Support Officer at Duluth City Council & St Louis County
as a multi-media specialist, I build and maintained an online presence for several non-profits groups,
filmed events, rallies, vigils, produced and edited for the public access cable TV program.
Groups such as:
as a multi-media specialist, I applied for a second grant to create a film crew, documentary about the healthcare issue. Thru p.a.t.c.h. as a fiscal agent for the project. The project did not get funded.
as a multi-media specialist, I worked as a second unit film crew
and as a:
core team leader on the google fiber project. A city wide effort to bring google investment. worked directly with the Duluth city gov on this campaign.
served on the steering committee on this project:
served on the board of a local non-profit: to audit and assess dysfunction: chapter closed based on our recommendations. Arrow interfaith council
as web developer, I owned an operated a web company that catered to the peace and justice community.
As a housing advocate, I owned and operated my own 4-unit apt sro group housing program.
Due to a systems breach we lost all content on over a hundred websites to a catastrophic failure.
in 2012 now semi-retired.
2013: Ran a successful kick starter campaign: custom chain maille accessories. Got funded for 2,500
2014: as a perma-culture designer: endured a failed startup: Urban CSA,
As a designer, I Applied for a 3rd grant. Seeking funds for a art project the immortal egg: a work study did not get funded.
2015- current: project assessment and budget analysis to develop 300 acre wildstead named the black river preserve: a conservation effort to maintain a perma-culture nature center in rural Wisconsin.
Current projects:
these are the public projects that I can talk about. We currently have a portfolio of projects that we are waiting to fund at some point in the future.
As a project manager, I currently manage a electric motorcycle company here in sunny san diego. Im in in charge of sales, service, design and repair, R& D testing. While i’m attending sdsu extended studies classes.
as multi-media producer, our current project is launching a new emergent reality network
a public content clearinghouse of all related links and research, groups and collations that I have personal connections to or have read about.
as a social influence’er, I admin and consult for several FB groups, unconditional basic income,
and to support the XR movement we facilitate the citizen assembly movement.
as an non-profit consultant, I am mentoring a student from Ghana. We are seeking to create a legacy of empowerment by assisting in the foundation of a new NGO to establish our presence In the region.
As a product designer, I am working on the next reiteration of the spira brand.
as a multi-media designer, I am fielding a team to develop branding for California’s emerging cannabis market.
also, we are currently seeking to build partnerships with several key organizations in the seasteading community.
This list is just an overview, of some of the things I’ve worked on over the years. A simple resume just doesn’t serve my activities well. This is an attempt to demonstrate the depth and breathe of the experience I can personally bring to the table.
Thanks for reading this far. We made it!