Hello there!
its amazing thing that you found us!
People I talk with usually windup asking,
WHAT do you design?
in short, we design the future.
First off, i started out with graphic designs for band t-shirts in high school, then I got into airbrush designs, during college.
then, as a carpenter, I learned to build and repair buildings. stuff like barns, houses, garages, bathrooms etc.
eventually, I realized that I don’t want to build square boxes for square minded people.
that led me to question, why poverty exists and who throws people down the river.
now, that im semi-retired; I focus my efforts and attention on a wide variety of subjects.
i also, build and develop web sites and multi-media applications.
including administration, advocacy and management work to organize online campaigns for local actions.
think houses, think cars, think domes on mars!
I’ve been practicing egg carving for over 20 years. i’m slowly working towards perfecting dome designs.
as a contractor, we gearing up to build quality single family, floating dome units.
including designs that support personal electric vehicles.
WHY? Why domes?
we have reached a conclusion that climate change is not going to stop and its only going to get worse.
with that said, we can prepare an educated, free and civil society to meet those changes and adapt while we still can, on our own terms.
we have fond inspiration from the legendary venus project, perma-culture projects and places like arcosanti.
who are we?
i am a contributing member of the emergent reality network, you can learn more about what we do.
we are a group of forward thinking ppl that are crazy enough to think we can change the world faster than the world can change us.
here are a few companies that we are interested in working with. companies like; pacific domes, monolithic domes and the illustrious; Buckminster institute.
i’ve been following the sea-steading institute for several years now and we’re getting ready to double down the next step. here are a few groups that we want to support.
if you would enjoy being part of a sustainable future that we all can live with; hit me up.
my friends call me, oz.